*SPECIAL OFFER* Sign up for Level One by Feb. 1, 2025 and receive a FREE Mala!
LEVEL ONE includes: ~Mantras and instructions for all 4 Mantra Meditation Practices (March 1-21, June 1-July 10, Sept. 1-21, Dec. 1-Jan. 9, 2026), ~Mantra Recordings, ~Daily Newsletters for the 21-Day Mantra Practices, ~Weekly Newsletters for the 40-Day Mantra Practices, ~Online Support during all Practices, if needed, ~A total of 12 Live Group Zoom Calls for the year (recorded for your convenience), ~A total of 4 Private Consultations with Raji for the year (1 during each 21-day and 40-day Mantra Practice), ~the benefit of the collective healing energy with all group members, ~and *NEW* FREE Online Yoga Classes with Raji during all 21 and 40-day Mantra Meditations.
Join the 2025 Mantra Membership! 4 Powerful Practices. Plan and Commit. Online 21-Day and 40-Day Mantra Practices with Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel
Would you like to learn more about the powerful healing benefits of Mantra and Meditation? Would you like to experience a more peaceful, joy-filled life? Would you like guidance and support throughout the year with life coaching, mantra meditation, reiki and other healing modalities?
Here’s an opportunity to commit to your well-being, commit to your spirituality, commit to your journey of inner transformation for the New Year! Join Raji as she guides you through 4 powerful mantra disciplines…
1) March 1-21, 2025 - WEALTH AND WISDOM, Mantras of Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi, An Online 21-Day Mantra Meditation, Remove obstacles in the way to abundance and total well-being. Gain clarity and insight, create intentions that celebrate joy and ease in life and realize the beauty and magnificence in and around you, attracting more of what you desire. For all details about this practice and to purchase separately, please follow this link https://conta.cc/4hYjyjz
2) June 1-July 10, 2025 - THE LIGHT OF GAYATRI, Welcome the Summer Solstice with Health, Abundance and Peace, An Online 40-Day Mantra Practice with added Hand Mudras, Embrace the light and the healing power of the Sun with a combination of Sanskrit mantras for spiritual enlightenment, strength and vitality, plus increased energy with added Hand Mudras. Raise your inner vibration for higher potential and a deep sense of peace.
3) Sept. 1-21, 2025 - CHAKRAS, NADIS & THE ENERGY BODY, Explore, Balance, Harmonize, An Online 21-Day Mantra Meditation, Open the doors to the spiritual! Bring the body and mind into alignment with sound vibration, imagery and guided meditation. Release negativity and replace it with positive thoughts, affirmations, tantric energy and healing from the 5 elements of creation (earth, water, fire, air and ether).
4) Dec. 1- Jan. 9, 2026 - NARAYANA AND THE SACRED HEART, A New Year Blessing, An Online 40-Day Mantra Meditation, Find meaning and connection, renewal and rejuvenation, with practices focused on the sacred heart, a small eight-petalled esoteric chakra located below the heart center. Allow the past to release and embrace 2026 with clear intentions, steadiness and joy.
Here's how it works… You are invited to join me in the sacred practice of Mantra Japa Meditation. I have divided up the 2025 calendar year into 4 powerful categories. The repetition of mantra, called Japa, is an ancient meditative tool which can reduce karma and ease suffering, bringing you closer to your true potential. Anyone can practice mantra. You do not need to have any previous experience with yoga or mantra or have any specific spiritual belief to fully receive the benefits.
To live in the moment, to adapt to current life situations and to move forward with ease requires practices that reunite you with divine energy. Being reminded of the deep well of abundance and connection within and around you is vital during these times. It gives you an anchor to rest upon, a wellspring to relax into, a familiar, safe refuge. Chanting the ancient vibrations of Sanskrit in a collective group, you will build the energy internally, bathe in light and expand/utilize these energies in whatever form is needed in your individual life. In doing so, you affect all beings.
Whether you seek balance in the areas of physical or mental health, finances/career, relationships or spiritual advancement/illumination, mantra disciplines give the opportunity to accelerate the journey of personal transformation.
Simple, easy-to-follow instructions…
On the day before the start date of each practice, you will receive the mantra practice in its entirety online with recordings of the mantras and details on the practice. There are varying lengths to each practice which range anywhere from 2 minutes a day to 30 minutes a day. You can customize each practice with the number of mantra repetitions that work best for you.
The mantras you receive are chanted daily, on your own time, at your convenience.
In addition, each practice includes Newsletters plus 3 Live Virtual Zoom Meetings, a total of 12 for the year, which are recorded for your convenience.
You can choose your Membership Plan below. Join the 2025 Mantra Membership. Commit to your practice!
LEVEL ONE (preferred): *This level includes the addition of Private Consultations with Rajeshwari throughout the year for increased growth and personal transformation AND FREE Online Yoga Classes during all 21 and 40-day Mantra Meditations! Sign up for all 4 Mantra Disciplines with Zoom Calls, Private Consultations, and FREE Online Yoga Classes during all 21 and 40-day Mantra Meditations (Total Value $1398, Your Cost $485) Level One includes: -Mantras and instructions for all 4 mantra disciplines, -Mantra recordings, -the benefit of the daily collective healing group energy, -Daily Newsletters for the 21-Day Disciplines, -Weekly newsletters for the 40-Day Disciplines, -Online support via email for all disciplines, if needed, -3 Live Zoom Calls and their recordings for all 4 disciplines, a total of 12 for the year, ~and A PRIVATE PHONE OR ZOOM CONSULTATION WITH RAJESHWARI during each 21-day and 40-day discipline, plus *NEW* FREE Online Yoga Classes with Raji during all 21 and 40-day Mantra Meditations. A great deal!
LEVEL TWO: Sign up for all 4 Mantra Disciplines with Zoom Calls, plus *NEW* FREE Online Yoga Classes with Raji during the first 21-day Mantra Meditation WEALTH AND WISDOM, March 1-21, 2025 (Total Value $498, Your Cost $340) Level Two includes: -Mantras and instructions for all 4 mantra disciplines, -Mantra recordings, -the benefit of the daily collective healing group energy -Daily Newsletters for the 21-Day Disciplines, -Weekly Newsletters for the 40-Day Disciplines, -Online support via email during all 4 disciplines, if needed, -3 Live Zoom Calls and their recordings for each of the 4 disciplines, a total of 12 for the year, ~plus *NEW* FREE Online Yoga Classes with Raji during the first 21-day Mantra Meditation WEALTH AND WISDOM, March 1-21, 2025
Please sign-up below: 1) For your convenience, you can register online through PayPal below (online fee applies) 2) OR use Venmo, account Gretchen-Carmel
JOIN EACH PRACTICE SEPARATELY WITHOUT MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT (Please specify which practice when you sign up, no discounts apply)
21-Day Mantra Disciplines (single sign-up) Option One-$121 (Includes mantra practices and a private phone or zoom consultation with Rajeshwari within the 21-days) Option Two-$81 (Includes mantra practices)
40-Day Mantra Disciplines (single sign-up) Option One-$148 (Includes mantra practices and a private phone or zoom consultation with Rajeshwari within the 40-days) Option Two-$108 (Includes mantra practices)
Please sign-up below: 1) For your convenience, you can register online through PayPal below (online fee applies) 2) OR use Venmo, account Gretchen-Carmel
For all details about WEALTH AND WISDOM, starting March 1st and to purchase separately, please follow this link https://conta.cc/4hYjyjz
You'll be participating with like-minded folks all around the globe, contributing to a collective mission of peace and transformation. Mantra Japa Meditation can bring tremendous results. The energetic group support intensifies the practice and brings great possibility for growth and life changes. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
In Love and Service, Rajeshwari